Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why did you go to work? Because I had to

I'm tired. Tired of work. Tired of being depressed. Especially being depressed from work. When I get home from work, I have to struggle to stay awake. If I fall asleep too early, I will wake up in the middle of the night and be up all night. It is thoroughly depressing how much sway my job has on my life. It is depressing working five days a week, and only living for two.

I've come to view work as the most oppressive and mentally distressing element of class society

Work is totally and completely unavoidable, unless you're lucky enough to have been born to rich parents. Work is the foundation of our world, and this is indicative of how horrible and fucked up things are. Our daily and weekly lives are built entirely around work, rather than around our families, or our friends. The things that keep us going, or make us happy are set to the side. How many parents truly know who their kids are? If this depressing reality sets in, you are loaded up on chemicals, and told to go back to work. Every person on antidepressants knows there is something wrong with their lives. But are we given the space to look at what's wrong? Of course not. Depression is not a disease; it is a symptom.

We will always, as long as the bourgeoisie exist, have our labor stolen from us in the name of their profit. We will always, as long as work exists, have our lives stolen from us.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Life in ruins

I had originally intended to create a blog to put my thoughts into writing. So that I could analyze it, have others analyze it, get better at articulating the things I believe, and hopefully find some sort of growth through all of it. However, now that I have gotten around to actually making it, other things have cropped up in my life, some new, some old, that have slightly changed the direction of this shit.

I have come to a new chapter in my life. Summer is over, friends are leaving me (perhaps some for good - although I certainly hope not), and I have found a new job. It seems that new segments in my life are always accompanied by hard bouts of depression. Depression is something that has been weighing my life down for several years, culminating in serious suicidal thoughts and antidepressants last summer. I hope that because of the recent changes in my life, I can use this blog as not only a therapeutic medium, but also as a place for me to write about things in my life and mind in the chance that they resonate with other people.

Bare with me. This is new.